Counseling, McKinney-Vento, Wraparound services, Social work, Nursing, PBIS, RTI, MTSS, 80/20 time tracking, Student Referrals, Community Engagement, Service Providers, Crisis Intervention, RTI, Community Based Services, and the list goes on... Student support departments in school districts are having to manage so many programs at once causing students to fall between the cracks.
Roll out your own digital referral system that makes it easy for students, caregivers and teachers to request mental health and basic needs supports.
Create an ecosystem of support by ensuring that various student support functions such as counselors and social workers are documenting their actions in an efficient and student centered way.
Capture your resources and partnerships in real-time and follow up on the status of student connection to mental health and basic needs services. Districts are able to quantify true demand of services and ProUnitas works alongside them to bridge the gap
Stay compliant with 80/20 without having your support staff do extra work. Ecosystem build also helps your district ensure that state and federal reporting is no a burden but opportunity to learn and grow.
Ensure that your student support actions and partnerships are keeping a student in school and having an impact on outcomes such as their attendance
A color-coded system alerts a school counselor when student attendance or grades have changed [such thresholds are set by the district.
Forget excel reports and last minutes reports. Create all the student support dashboards you need make strategic and bold decisions.
Teachers are overwhelmed by the added responsibility of addressing and assisting students overcome non-academic barriers.
As a result, teachers are unable to focus entirely on academic instruction.
PurpleSENSE provides a quick, easy, and systemic way of addressing non-academic gaps.
Teachers are able to communicate concerns with support staff dedicated to meeting students’ non-academic needs.
Because data systems are fragmented and difficult to access, support staff often see only part of the picture, making it difficult to provide the appropriate services.And they spend excessive time documenting information because current systems and processes are outdated and labor intensive.
With PurpleSENSE, data is combined into one easy to access and interpret platform, and documenting work is a simple, streamlined process. Because all information is housed in one place, support staff has a comprehensive view of a student's needs—regardless of turnover.
This institutional memory enables support staff to efficiently assess and address non-academic issues at the time of need.
Social issues are treated as isolated from one another and educational matters.
As a result, collaboration between multiple service providers and with academic institutions is limited, and communication is ineffective. With few shared indicators for success, service providers can’t adequately address a child’s needs.
Service Providers have access to useful data with PurpleSENSE, which allows them to respond promptly to student needs, measure impact, and continuously improve services.
Communication between service providers is more productive because of shared data and metrics, resulting in more successful outcomes.
This institutional memory enables support staff to efficiently assess and address non-academic issues at the time of need.
School districts have no guiding framework for non-academic supports. This creates a heavy burden and an exhausted staff who attempt to intervene but see a limited impact.
It is especially difficult to address the needs of transient students because records are fragmented.
PurpleSENSE provides a clear framework for supporting students’ non-academic needs which empowers everyone in the academic setting in a holistic approach to education and well-being.
Teachers, support staff, and administrators can collectively identify and address social burdens and barriers, and transient students don't fall through the cracks because their records follow them wherever they go.
Students don’t consistently receive the support they need to address non-academic barriers, or don’t receive it in a timely manner.
Without the appropriate tools, educators and administrators are unable to proactively identify and support those in need. As a result, students suffer academically and face increased risk for lifelong obstacles to success.
PurpleSENSE provides a clear framework for supporting students’ non-academic needs which empowers everyone in the academic setting in a holistic approach to education and well-being.
Teachers, support staff, and administrators can collectively identify and address social burdens and barriers, and transient students don't fall through the cracks because their records follow them wherever they go.